• 368 Sussex Street, Sydney
  • Lathlain Street, Belconnen, ACT

A better way to send money

Faster, simpler, safer - send to those you love today.

Conversion rate: AUD
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Please go to your App store or Google Play to download Nepal Paisa App LINK http://onelink.to/m96g3k

Why Choose Nepal Paisa?

Send money to Nepal with NepalPaisa. We offer the best exchange rate and low fees. Send money to Nepal from Australia with NepalPaisa.

Send Money with the Real Exchange Rate

Our dynamic NepalPaisa platform allows you to transfer anytime from Australia to Nepal on-the-go with the best exchange rate upfront.



Sign up on NepalPaisa for free with an email address and phone number.


Enter an amount to send

Add the amount you want to send and recipient's details. Check the transaction fees upfront, and the estimated time your money will be delivered.


You are ready to go

Send money from your bank account. Just transfer and track your transfer status in real-time in your account.

Nepal Paisa - Mobile App

We assure all of its clients that we can deliver reliably and efficiently all our payments for any of the parties, Business and Individuals. Through our strategic business relationships and worldwide network of trading we help our clients remain competitive and efficient when sending funds around the world.

Our remittance service offers you the very best exchange rates and we have put excellent efforts to make sure that your hard earned money reaches its destiny as quickly as possible.

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What customers say about Us

Send Money with the Real Exchange Rate

With Nepal Paisa,it's easy to send money to your loved ones around the world.